Add products to your cart and proceed to checkout. You can follow these steps:

  • Browse this website and pick what you like best.
  • Add to cart the desired items and quantities and proceed to checkout.
  • Add your shipping information, choose a shipping method and overview your order.
  • You can then confirm your order and pay for your products via PayPal, via credit card, via deposit or cash on delivery (available in Greece only)

Write to us at You can follow these steps:

  • Browse this website and pick what you like best.
  • Write to us by using our contact form (or by sending directly to our e-mail address) to let us know about the items and quantities you wish as well as the address that you want the products to be sent.
  • We will write you back to let you know about the cost of the products as well as the shipping costs.
  • You can then confirm your order and pay for your products via PayPal, via deposit or cash on delivery (available in Greece only).

Call us at +302824023226 (phone call orders are available only within Greece). You can follow these steps:

  • Browse this website and pick what you like best.
  • Call us to let us know about the items and quantities you wish as well as the address that you want the products to be sent.
  • We will call you back to let you know about the cost of the products as well as the shipping cost.
  • You can then confirm your order and pay for your products via PayPal or via deposit(available in Greece only).